"I have learned by experience that God has blessed me..." Gen 30:27
Monday, May 19, 2008
Funny! Funny!
I decided we all needed a good laugh after a hard day's work. Laughter helps you de-stress, keeps you young, is good for your heart, and most of all, keeps you sane when you need it. My husband and I enjoy watching AFV-America's Funniest Videos even if the videos are as old as 10 to 15 years. They still have a laughing effect on almost everyone. The photos below crack me up the same way. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did. :)
Such an adorable baby you have.
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Yes, I think laughter is what I need with all the stress in my life.
Thanks for this Sheila, made me laugh...I'll show this to my husband later...
And btw, we love watching AFV too, and we never miss it, not even a single episode.. Makes our tummy ache laughing out loud!
hehehe this is funny.. hey how are you by the way? I have a tag for you anyway at my blog.. I hope you have time to take a peak on it..;)
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